Saturday, August 20, 2011

Runners high, sweaters high, same diff.

Today was amazing. Saturdayyyy.
I got up kind of early for a Saturday at the end of 6 or beginning of 7 and went and painted the side of a wall for a battered women shelter with my roomie Katie and some other CY folks. It wasn't the YWCA type of place that is just one room, it was a huge complex for women and their children. It was amazing. I sweated so much and was so dirty and got paint all over me! I sweated so much being out in the hot sun, and I was lifting ladders and walking through the brambles and getting all cut up. It was a mess, but it was amazing! I was thinking the whole time, can I do this forever?? I would love to do a year of Habitat for Humanity service after college, but then I will be kind of old when I get to the real world but psh who needs a job? Hahah parents, just kidding! But really, doing outdoor working physical service is my love. So I was there from 8ish-12ish and drank a million water bottles and painted the trim of this wall.
Then we picked up another CY gal and went to get lunch. We went to Tito's, this amazing Mexican food place that the guy at Spectrum Gym had recommended. It was super good and since I hadn't had breakfast, I feasted and got a solid food baby. We were in a super cool part of town, Southtown holler. I picked up a free newspaper and saw that there were a list of events going on in the city (note to self- ALWAYS pick up free newspapers) and saw that Avenue Q was playing at a nearby theater. I have listened to the Avenue Q soundtrack since back in the day and I loved it. So I had to had to go. More on this later...
Then we went over to this place called Madhatters which had super cool artwork and little tea parties. I really want to visit there with my mother, it is her type of joint. It was a sweet vibe, we were also in this really interesting historical district of San An, where I definitely had never been and I love me some 'splorin!
I went to the library and got my library card! Yay!!! It is attached to my key ring, so now my key ring is very San Antonio. Library card, gym card, apartment key! Hooray! Then I also rented some DVDs which was cool because it was totally free and I have them for a whole week. Suck it regular DVD stores, that is way to be, go library go library go, go library go library go.
Then we all went to the pool, yay not getting burnt, and chilled there for a long time. It was so nice and this was a wonderful substitute for a shower since I was very gross from painting still.
We next went to Souper! Salad, a delicious all you can eat buffet. It's beautiful. So many bread products and veggies and fruit and wonderful beautiful food items.
I GOT FOOD STAMPS! Frustratingly so, because I still haven't turned in all of my stuff, so why did I go through all of the hassles of everything, argh the system is a fool. 
Next Sarah Minshon and I ventured to Avenue Q, it was an awesome play. Puppets doing inappropriate things was awesome. It was cool because I remembered all of the songs and I had always wanted to see the show, so seeing it off Broadway was an awesome experience. I also talked to somebody about maybe working construction for the next show- ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. It's all volunteer based, and it fit in perfect with my morning of service and construction. I would be volunteering- serving, and constructing. When I told the woman I liked working on power tools, she was like "YES!". They said they are always looking for helping hands, because they really need volunteers all the time since they are a relatively new theater (5 years). It would also gain me free access to the shows! I love free things... Oh and another positive thing would be I could make friends outside of CY, which is something all the TLs recommend doing.
I am ending my evening with Napoleon Dynamite, an old classic.

Daily Hero: Free newspapers that help facilitate and build community <3

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